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DKW Cup Arrives in Cheshire

The DKW Cup is handed over to the Cheshire Walking Challenge Team Leaders at Flint Masonic Hall from the North Wales representative who had travelled from Bangor.

The Cheshire Team comprising of members of University Lodge of Chester No.4477, Omnium Lodge No.10005 and St. Mary's Chapter No.8098 ably led by senior Cheshire Brethren Gary Horstman and Phil Wright set out from Flint on a very wet July day heading for the Masonic Hall in Queen Street, Chester.

Following a route that ran south-east parallel with the River Dee they crossed over the river at Hawarden Bridge and continued into Cheshire, now on the north river bank the weather improved and by the time they had reached Chester the city was in glorious sunshine! Greeting the walkers who had covered the 23Km from Flint in North Wales to Queen Street was senior Cheshire Freemason Rob Bramley.

From Chester the walk route now moved to the towpath of the Shropshire Union Canal with a walk of a further 7Km through the Cheshire countryside to Christleton.


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